Morning Mail! Is Justin Timberlake Rushing to the Altar?

Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel, Elton John, David FurnishCourtesy of Bennett Raglin/Getty Images

Dear Ted:
Us Weekly is saying Justin Timberlake will marry Jessica Biel because he is afraid to lose her. Does she have that much control over him?

Dear Can't Believe Everything You Read:
Look, J.T. and Jessica seem to be doing fine and they might even get married someday. But I've said it before and I'll repeat: It ain't happening anytime soon. Justin is eager prove his playboy days are behind him thoughjust not desperate enough to tie himself down permanently.

Dear Ted:
I'm not buying that paparazzi are behind all the Ryan Gosling-Eva Mendes pictures. Why do you think he's publicizing this relationship in Paris? Arm-in-arm looking up at the Eiffel Tower? If that doesn't scream staged I don't know what does, which just seems very un-Gosling.

RELATED: Dead Sexy: Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes' Eerie Paris Graveyard Date

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Dear City of Lovahs:
It does seem particularly un-Gos-like. Even with Blake Lively (who loves her photogs), the two were low keyonly getting outed by fans who spotted the duo at Disneyland. But Ry and Eva are spotted holding hands, smooching and whatnot nearly every week. I'll just say this: I'm not buyin' it.

Dear Ted:
I just read an item in the NY Daily News about an upcoming segment on Angelina Jolie that will be on 60 Minutes. After reading the excerpt I got the impression that she is trying to beat someone to the punch, if you know what I mean. Isn't there supposed to be a tell-all book coming out that will expose lots of very bad things about her? It still seems like she is trying to lessen the shock of things to come...
Miss P

Dear Pitt of Existence:
A tell-all book did come out that "exposed" all of Ange's dirty secrets, and it was a total puff job. Her not-so-shocking interview with 60 Minutes (peep the preview, she says she doesn't want to go into deets) is about promoting her upcoming directional debut. Not airing out her dirty laundry.

Dear Ted:
I just watched Jim Carrey and Robin Williams in their early days on YouTube and have to say that these two actors are brilliant comedians. I have always loved them, but after three hours of compressed experience they've become my favorites. I have to ask why is it that those who are so talented must ha! ve so mu ch darkness in them? Robin is open about his alcoholism and Jim about his depression and I wonder why they had such problems with all that success in their lives?

Dear Chuckles the Sad Clown
The movie Funny People says it all, babe. Maybe not the best flick ever, but check it out. Comedians are known for having a dark side, it's nothing new. Isn't there an old saying about finding the humor in pain or whatever? If you want a real shocker get this: Most comedians aren't even funny in their down time. Crazy, huh?

Dear Ted:
I have to ask about the stars in Hollywood who are in the closet. Are most of them keeping their sexuality private from everyone, including their family and friends as well or are family members aware?

Dear In the Know:
Everyone is different, but most of our big time Vicers at least (like Toothy Tile, for one) are out to those closest to them. A lot of em only stay in the closet for H'wood Bizya know, because they're worried if their careers would end if they said they're actually into dudes.

Dear Ted:
Regarding 'Tis the Year to Be a Talented Chick on your Thanksgiving list, good call. But you forgot to mention Kristen Wiig and Emma Stone. Those two were on fire.

Dear Truth Teller:
You are 100 percent right; these two ladies had a great year. And there's tons more too that I unfortunately didn't get a chance to name. Maybe I'll have to compile the whole list for later in the year? And here's hoping this streak continues into 2012.

PHOTOS: Ryan Gosling: Movie Star!
