Jessica Biel's junk food fix

Jessica Biel

Mental health day ... Jessica Biel needs a day off from dieting once a week.

Jessica Biel gives herself one day a week to eat whatever she wants to avoid going crazy.

The US actress is conscious of her diet which includes plenty of fruit and vegetables. However Biel gives herself one day a week to stray from her healthy eating routine.

"When I'm working and I eat healthily all week, then I give myself one day - usually Sunday - when I eat just what I want. You have to, otherwise your mind goes a little nutso," she told Us Weekly.

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The actress also exercises to achieve her enviably toned figure, and has revealed her workout secrets. Biel - who famously walked to the top of Mt Kilimanjaro in 2009 - enjoys outdoor workouts with cycling and bushwalking.

She says the al fresco exercising benefits her body and mind.

"When you get out into the wilderness and strip [away] all of the stuff in your everyday life, you really gain a great respect for your own life, simply as it is," she explained.

"Needing things starts to feel like, Oh, I kind of have everything, don't I? It's pretty great."

The A-Team star also does walking lunges and light weights to achieve her fit physique. She adds yoga to the mix twice a week to lengthen her muscles.

"I like to do a couple of yoga classes during the week," she said.

"Yoga for me is more of an elongating thing."

