Jessica Biel writes poetry
People News
Jul 30, 2012, 8:01 GMT
Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel writes poetry to relax.
The 'Total Recall' actress - who is engaged to Justin Timberlake - says penning her own verses helps her stay in touch with her spiritual side.
She said: 'I like being able to write when I find the time to get into it.
'I love reading poetry and I've written poetry myself since I was in school.
'It's very calming and spiritual to be able to get in touch with emotions and states of mind to write poetry.'
As well as writing, the 30-year-old beauty - who scaled Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in January 2010 to raise awareness of environmental issues - loves spending time outdoors, which she believes stems from her upbringing.
She added in an interview with The Sun newspaper: 'My father was always telling me to go outside and appreciate nature.
'I was raised by hippie kind of parents and the wild and open spaces were something I was taught to value. I had a really great childhood and I still love being outdoors and having a healthy respect for nature.
'That's one of the reasons I wanted to go to Kilimanjaro to draw attention to the issue of global warming.
'It was the hardest thing I ever did in my life but I'm glad I made the journey. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.'
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