Barry's Bootcamp opens in London
PUBLISHED: 22:29 EST, 7 February 2013 | UPDATED: 02:43 EST, 8 February 2013
Situated right on the doorstep of Euston Station, the brand new outpost of Barry's Bootcamp brings the ultimate celebrity workout to the UK and having taken the hardcore class out in America, I jumped at the chance to trial the new studio to see how it compared.
Dubbed 'the best workout in the world with celebrity fans including Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel and Kim Kardashian, to name just a few, the intense 60-minute class claims to burn 1000 calories per session.
The new studio opened a fortnight ago and boasts changing rooms filled with luxury Malin + Goetz products, candles, hair dryers and straighteners, plus a fuel bar and a social area where bootcampers can relax on sofas and enjoy a post-workout protein smoothie. A creche and treatment room are also planned in the near future.
Bringing Hollywood's hottest workout to UK: Barry's Bootcamp has opened a London studio near to Euston Station
I signed up for a class with Ricardo Vargas, one of the American trainers usually based in Los Angeles and part of a large team of experienced celebrity trainers spending time in London, ensuring UK trainers are up to scratch. As we made our way into class there was an obvious sense of panic among the boot camp virgins. You could smell the fear. One woman asked me: Have you done it before? Will I make it through?
The workouts are ! tough, 60 minutes of hardcore cardio on Woodway treadmills, kit used by the US Navy Seals, teamed with strength training using weights, bands and your own body. The class combines short, sharp intervals and very little rest. You are pushed to your limit and given just enough time to recover before do it again and again.
Every day of the week focuses on a different area of the body with some full body days too, and each class mixes up different exercises theres little chance of getting bored.
Inspiring dance beats fill the room and the lights are dimmed to a red glow to create a party-style workout experience.
Celeb fans: Katie Holmes, Jessica Alba and Jessica Biel are big fans of the workout
Ricardo wasnt letting newbies get off lightly and I caught the eyes of several women and men shocked into action. Its fast paced but the instructors are on hand to help. Whether that means fixing your posture, turning up the music to help you finish your sprint or screaming in your ear to go faster, they are incredibly in-tune to the needs, and the limits, of their customers. My class wasnt made up of super-fit types either, there were a variety of people all shapes and sizes working out.
I wondered if the British customers would get on board with the cheering and shouting the instructors encourage, and the class was noticeably silent at the start. But by the end, thanks to the trainers encouragement, several enthusiastic cheers rang out as we finished our final sprint.
Tough class: The 60-minute session claims to burn 1,000 calories a class and MailOnline's Sarah Fitzmaurice visited the new London studio
Mixing it up: The class is split between hardcore cardio on Woodway treadmills teamed with strength training using weights, bands and your own body
Part of what makes Barrys so popular stateside is the sense of community the studios provide. There was plenty of chitter chatter in the female changing rooms after the workout, with aching muscles, class highlights and praise for the trainers top of the discussion list. Barrys bootcampers seem to be just as sociable in London as I found them to be in Los Angeles, which was quite a surprise, nobody strikes up conversation at my regular gym, particularly in the changing rooms. You will struggle not to leave feeling motivated surrounded by such positive attitudes and having experienced such an endorphin high.
Barry Jay launched the first bootcamp in 1998 and there are now eight studios across America, one in Norway and two more studios planned for Boston and Miami.
Brothers Sandy and James Macaskill are responsible for bringing the class to the UK after being blown away by the workout while in America.
Going worldwide: Barry Jay (pictured) opened the first studio in 1998 and there are now 10 studios, with two more planned for this year
Sandy explained: There was and still is literally nothing else like it here in the UK. I took my first Barry's class in New York, and the contrast between that fun and motivating camaraderie with my solitary and grey gym routine at home was ridiculously stark.
When I visited the studio it wa! s buzzing ! with energy and lots of eager customers, it seems to have already gained quite a following, one man told me he had been every day since it had opened.
Sandy said: The response from first-timers has been so overwhelming. It is completely new concept for the UK so we were anxious to see how people responded, but what with the music and red lighting and the group camaraderie, you can still get through it at your own pace no matter how fit you are - I think people have been inspired by that.
The trainers: Martin George, Noah Nieman, Carmela Mondello, Oliver Truelove and Derek DeGrazio
We have only been open a couple of weeks, but we are already busy, everyone has a great energy, and I can already feel that a community is forming around the shared experience. And we're seeing results - one client told us that she lost five pounds in one week.
While the newbies seem to have left impressed I spoke with a number of American Barrys devotees who were thrilled to have access to the workout. One New Yorker native told me: Once you go to Barrys you never go anywhere else.
Sandy said: We have had some really positive feedback from experienced bootcampers from L.A. and New York who have been taking classes for years. Living up to their expectations is naturally incredibly important for us.
Its testament to the strength of the Barrys brand that the studio has already had enquiries from a number of familiar names including Dancing on Ice judge Ashley Roberts and Baywatch legend David Hasselhoff. The Americans know just how good it is, and now, so can Brits too.
Classes start from 14 and Barry's Bootcamp London is situated on 163 Euston Rd, NW1 2BH
Call 0207 387 7001 or visit the
Barry's Bootcamp co-owner Joey Gonzalez
Joey Gonzalez is co-owner of Barry's Bootcamp and boasts a long list of high profile celebrity clients. He lives in New York
- 1) PUSH YOURSELF AND BE CAREFUL. Although we want you to PUSH as hard as humanly possible, it's important to listen to your body and gauge your threshold.
- 2) WATCH YOUR FORM. That's why we have so many mirrors in the studio. Obviously it's so you can stare at your beautiful selves and focus on your form. Whether on the treadmill or on the floor with weights, WATCH YOUR FORM!
- 3) HYDRATE. Make sure you've had enough water throughout the day, during class and after class. Also, be careful not to OVERDO it with water otherwise running cramps may persist.
- 4) MAKE SURE TREADMILLS ARE OFF. 90% of injuries that have occurred at Barry's Bootcamp, involve a treadmill that was not turned off correctly. When you're finished, turn it off, and if you're getting on one, make sure it's not on.
- 5) INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR. Make sure he/she knows it's your FIRST TIME and, if you have any injuries, DISCLOSE them!
Barry's Bootcamp trainer Derek DeGrazio
Derek DeGrazio is a Barry's trainer currently based in LA. He acted as Britney Spear's trainer o! n her Fem! me Fatale tour and is set to open a studio in Miami later this year
1) Ease into it. Start with two to three days a week and work your way up.
2) Try each instructor. Everyone is great, mix it up.
3) Eat light about 90 minutes before class. Food is fuel!
4) Trust your instructor. They will get you to your goals.
5) Listen. React. Commit. :)
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