'Tuesday's with Tina' Is One More Reason to Be Jealous of Jessica Biel

That's it: Jessica Biel officially has it all. She's hot, talented, the new Mrs. Timberlake, and she's funny and has a really cute dog. Don't believe us about that last part? Just check out her awesomely adorable weekly piece on Twitter, "Tuesdays with Tina."

Every Tuesday, the actress posts a new picture of her awesome pitbull, Tina. And it's pretty much the best. This week, the star posted a picture of herself in pouty Tina's crate. "It's okay Tina, sometimes boys don't call back. #crateconfessions #tuesdayswithtina," she wrote.

And each week the star posts something equally great about her dog. Check out some more "Tuesdsays with Tina" pics below and be sure to check back each week for more animal awesomeness.

"I wanna make a bush joke."

