Jessica Biel 'Fears Justin Timberlake Will Cheat'?

Jessica Biel 'Fears Justin Timberlake Will Cheat'?

Jessica Biel is worried that Justin Timberlake will cheat on her before they get married, according to a ropey report from a US gossip mag.

'Sources' close to the couple tell the National Enquirer that the gorgeous actress flew to visit her hubby-to-be on the set of his new movie in Puerto Rico just to keep tabs on him.

"Jessica worries because Justin is such a flirt," they claimed, adding that the 'Cry Me A River' star "is a charmer who cant help but attract stunning girls."

"She feels that she needs to keep tabs on him before their big day," they continue. "She doesnt want her dream wedding ruined!"

Unsurprisingly, a separate source has told Gossip Cop that there was nothing more to the Puerto Rico visit than a simple trip to see her loved one.

Biel told French magazine Gala in May: "I don't think our marriage will change anything. It will be a challenge finding a balance between my private life, family and work, and I'm ready.

"For me, getting married doesn't mean we should limit ourselves to some predefined idea," she explained. "Rather, it's an opportunity to explore new things in life."

PHOTOS: Would Justin Timberlake cheat on this?

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